Eighth District
Upcoming Project
Because Char Smiled
See Facebook page
All of us have been touched, in some way, by the horrible disease, cancer. In Buffalo, we are lucky to have one of the top cancer research hospitals, Roswell Park Cancer Institute. A Western New York high school student, Sarah LoCurto, had a close family friend, Char, who was at Roswell. Her Mom was surprised when visiting Char that fresh flowers were not allowed in patient’s rooms. Unfortunately Char passed away. Sarah in her honor started “Because Char Smiled”. She and her Mom hand made hundreds of beautiful paper flowers and donated them to Roswell. Anyone is welcome, at no cost, to “pick a flower” to give to a patient. On Sarah’s “Because Char Smiled” Facebook page, she has the saying “Angels help our garden grow.” We are hopeful, as garden club members, to help Sarah in her endeavors. Please consider making flowers in your club as a community service project. The supply list, instructions and templates are here on our District website. Just click on the appropriate button.
Roswell has asked that all donations of flowers be coordinated through Sarah LoCurto. People cannot bring flowers directly to Roswell. Arrangements can be made with Sarah to either pick up your flowers or to drop them off to her. Sarah can be reached at becausecharsmiled@gmail.com.
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