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 District VIII
 District VIII Judges Council






The Eighth District of the Federated Garden Clubs of New York State wishes to encourage its membership to participate in a variety of garden club programs and  activities. Both the District and the District’s Judges Council are offering awards in recognition of the worth-while efforts of a garden club or individual club member.


Each club should have an Awards Chairman to review the District, Federated Garden Clubs of New York State (FGCNYS), Central Atlantic Region (CAR), and National Garden Clubs (NGC) awards for eligibility.  The Awards Chairman should inform members of possible awards and encourage activities that relate to selected awards.  This chairman should assist with the awards applications and, when called for, in the preparation of Books of Evidence.


Each club should keep a copy of this District Awards Manual and the FGCNYS Awards Manual; the September/October issue of The National Gardener should also be kept for reference.


The Eighth District Awards year is from January 1st to December 31st.  The deadline to submit applications for District Awards is December 31st, unless otherwise indicated.


No project may receive more than one District Award.


Awards will be presented at Eighth District’s Spring Meeting, with the exception of Yearbook Awards, which are presented at Eighth District’s Fall  Meeting.


Award applications may be requested directly from the District Awards Chairman, or may be downloaded from this website.  If there are any questions, the District Awards Chairman should be contacted.


Updated and compiled August 2012



 District VIII




Award #1        T.R. Allan Memorial Award for Excellence in Horticulture

This award will be given annually by the Eighth District Judges Council to any Horticulture Section Award Winner that was awarded in a Standard Flower Show.  Criteria for entering:  The horticulture exhibit must have been entered in a Standard Flower Show, and won a Section Award or Award of Horticultural Excellence.  The entry must include pictures of the exhibit taken from all sides with a written description of the exhibit.  All entries must be sent to the Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A horticultural panel will decide the winner.  An engraved bowl will be presented to the winner at the annual Eighth District Spring Meeting.  This bowl will be passed on to the next year’s winner.  A personal award will remain with the recipient each year


Award #2       Petite Award for Excellence in Horticulture

This $25.00 award will be given annually by the Eighth District Judges Council to an Elfin Award winner entered in a Standard Flower Show.  The entry must include pictures of the exhibit taken from all sides with a written description of the exhibit.  All entries must be sent to the Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel of three NGC judges or a combination of FGCNYS Horticulture judges and NGC judges will decide the winner.


Award #3        Design Excellence Award

This $25.00 award is given annually by the Eighth District Judges Council for the best blue ribbon winning exhibit scoring 95% or more in the Design Division of a Standard Flower Show.  Procedure:  One design from each Standard Flower Show, as selected by the combined panel of judges, is to be submitted to the District Awards Chairman for consideration.  The entry must include: 1) a photograph of the exhibit; 2) a brief written description of the exhibit; and 3) a written comment from one judge.  All entries must be submitted to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel of three NGC judges will decide the winner.



Award #4        Petite Design Excellence Award

This $25.00 award is given annually by the Eighth District Judges Council to a Petite Award winner or to the best blue ribbon winning exhibit scoring 95% or more in a petite section or petite class of a Standard Flower Show.  One design from each Standard Flower Show having a petite section or petite class will be selected by the combined panel of judges at the show.  The entry must include: 1) a photograph of the exhibit; 2) a brief description of the exhibit; and 3) a written comment from one judge.  All entries must be submitted to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel of three NGC judges will decide the winner.


Award #5         Design Excellence Award for a Table Exhibit

This $25.00 award is given annually by the Eighth District Judges Council for the best blue ribbon winning table exhibit scoring 95% or more in the Design Division of a Standard Flower Show.  Procedure:  one table from each Standard Flower Show, as selected by the combined panel of judges at the show, is to be submitted to the District Awards Chairman for consideration.  The entry must include: 1) a photograph of the table; 2) a brief written description of the exhibit; and 3) a written comment from one judge.  All entries must be submitted to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel of three NGC judges will decide the winner.


Award #6          Alys Freer Smith Creativity Award

This $25.00 award may be given annually by the Eighth District Judges Council to a blue ribbon winner in a creative design class in an Eighth District Standard Flower Show (not necessarily a winner of a National Garden Club top award).  Procedure:  One design deemed worthy of nomination by the combined panel of judges at the flower show is to be submitted to the District Awards Chairman for consideration.  The entry must include: 1) a photograph of the exhibit; 2) a brief written description of the exhibit; and 3) a written comment from one judge.  All entries must be submitted to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel of three NGC judges will decide the winner.




District VIII Awards



Award #7         The Save Our World Annual District Award

This award of $25 will be presented annually to a garden club or club member who has established a project that involves one or more environmental concerns.  This could be a project on recycling, household hazardous wastes, greenhouse effect, toxic waste management, ground water contamination, conservation of natural resource etc.  The project may involve club members, the public, and school children.  A typewritten description of the project must be submitted by the club to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel consisting of the District World Gardening Chairman, the District Director, and the Civic Beautification Chairman will decide the winner.



Award # 8       Civic Development

          A.  Outstanding Individual
         B.  Garden Club

This award may be presented to a garden club or a club member. A typewritten description of the person’s or club’s accomplishments/project involvement should be submitted with photos if applicable. If submitting for a long-term project, give a brief history.  Entries are to be submitted to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel of three NGC judges will decide the winner.



Award # 9       Historic Preservation

A.  Involvement in Historic Site

B.  Decoration of a Historic Building for the Holidays


This award may be presented to a garden club or a club member. A typewritten description of the person’s or club’s accomplishments/project involvement should be submitted with photos if applicable. If submitting for a long-term project, give a brief history.  Entries are to be submitted to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel consisting of the Historic Preservation Chairman and two NGC judges will decide the winner.



Award # 10    Garden Therapy

This award is given for an outstanding garden therapy project.  Entry should consist of a typewritten description of an ongoing project and should include any pertinent information and photos, if applicable.  Entries should be submitted to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.   A panel consisting of the Garden Therapy Chairman and two NGC judges will decide the winner.



Award # 11    Club Newsletter

Clubs should submit three (3) copies of their newsletter, published within the award’s year, to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel of three NGC judges will decide the winner.



Award # 12     Advisory Council Biennial Leadership Award

This award may be presented to a garden club member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership during the two years previous to the award year. Any garden club member may nominate any one candidate.  Exception: current director and all past directors are ineligible.


Applications must be submitted to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee by March 1st of the odd-numbered year.  Award will be presented at the Eighth District Spring Meeting held in April of odd-numbered year.



Award # 13     Yearbooks

Garden club yearbooks are judged in six classes.  The number of active members in a club determines the class. The District Yearbook Chairman and two NGC judges
will judge the yearbooks.  The yearbook that wins 1st place in the District for its Class is sent to the FGCNYS Yearbook Chairman to be entered in the state’s yearbook award competition. Awards will be presented at the Eighth District’s Fall Meeting The District Yearbook Chairman must receive the yearbooks by May 15th.


Class I      under 20 members               Class IV   45 - 69                                    

Class II     20 - 29                             Class V    70 - 99

Class III    30 - 44                             Class VI  100 - 300



Award # 14    Photography

A.  Horticulture specimens (Must have correct botanical name.)

B.  Design (The design must conform to NGC Standards.)

1. Traditional

2. Creative

C.  Landscape


A $25.00 award will be given for a winning entry from each award category.  Entrants should submit a 4” x 6” color print attached to a completed Eighth District Award Application to the District Awards Chairman.  Only one entry per category will be accepted per person.  The entrant must have taken the photographs entered for competition.  Prints will not be returned. Include name and garden club on back of photo.  Photographs must be sent to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st.  A panel of NGC judges will decide the winners.



Award #15     Landscape Design

An award of $25.00 will be given for a winning landscape design project. The project must be a landscape planting in a public area such as a school, library, business, church, city hall, fire station, etc.  It may be a new project or an extension or change to the design of an existing project.


The entry must include the address of the project and a brief explanation of the project consisting of no more than one double spaced page with photographs mounted on the second or more pages.  Include a photograph taken when beginning the project and another photograph taken in late summer.  Additional photos may be added.  A panel of NGC judges will decide the winners.


Submission should be mailed to the Awards Chairman postmarked no later than December 31st.  One entry may be submitted per club.



Award #16     Youth Recognition

  • Intermediate  (Ages 8-12)

1. Individual youth associated with a garden club

2. Youth garden club project.


  • Advanced (Ages 13-17)

1. Individual youth associated with a garden club

2. Youth garden club project


These awards may be presented to a youth garden club project or to an individual youth associated with a garden club for an entry in a Standard Flower Show or other garden club activity.  The awards should be given in recognition of outstanding participation in youth activities within Eighth District. There will be an award of $10.00 in each category.


Documentation in the form of pictures and description of project is required.  Entries should be submitted to the District Awards Chairman by December 31st. Entries will be judged by a panel of NGC judges with recommendations by the District Youth Chairman.



Director’s Citations

Citations may be given to individuals or to a garden club for faithful and outstanding service to the District.  These citations will be presented at the Eighth District’s Annual Spring or Fall Meetings.



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